Understanding Capacity in Dehumidifiers: AHAM vs. Saturation

Understanding Capacity in Dehumidifiers: AHAM vs. Saturation

Dehumidifiers play a crucial role in maintaining indoor air quality by removing excess moisture from the air. When considering their efficiency, it's essential to understand two key metrics: capacity at AHAM (Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers) and capacity at saturation. 

These metrics offer insights into a dehumidifier's performance under different conditions, allowing you to make informed decisions before you purchase. Additionally, it's important to differentiate between the dehumidifying function of standalone dehumidifiers and that of air conditioners.


Capacity at AHAM vs. Capacity at Saturation

Capacity at AHAM (AHAM Rating)

Capacity at AHAM refers to the amount of moisture a dehumidifier can remove from the air under standardized testing conditions set by the AHAM. These conditions typically include a temperature of 80°F and a relative humidity level of 60%. 

The AHAM rating provides a standardized measure that enables consumers to compare the performance of different dehumidifiers. For instance, a dehumidifier with a higher AHAM capacity rating can remove more moisture per day under these specific testing conditions.

Capacity at Saturation

On the other hand, capacity at saturation represents the maximum moisture removal capacity of a dehumidifier under the most extreme conditions. This typically occurs when the air is completely saturated with moisture, meaning the relative humidity is at or near 100% Rh. 

While capacity at saturation can give you an idea of the dehumidifier's maximum potential, it's less practical for real-world applications since indoor environments rarely reach such extreme levels of humidity.

Understanding Capacity in Dehumidifiers: AHAM vs. Saturation

Understanding the Product: TURBRO Greenland 165-Pint Large Dehumidifier with Pump

Taking the TURBRO Greenland 165-Pint Large Dehumidifier with Pump as an example, let's dive into its capacity specifications and performance:

AHAM Capacity 

The AHAM capacity of this dehumidifier is rated at 80 pints per day. This indicates its efficiency in removing moisture under AHAM's standardized conditions of 80°F temperature and 60% relative humidity. This high AHAM rating makes it suitable for large spaces, such as basements, warehouses, or commercial settings, where moisture accumulation can be significant.

Saturation Capacity

The saturation capacity of this dehumidifier is rated at 165 pints per day. This indicates its efficiency in removing moisture at 95°F temperature and 90% relative humidity. However, it's essential to note that real-world performance may vary based on factors such as room size, temperature fluctuations, and air circulation.

“Realistic” Capacity

Conditions in the real world will rarely be at AHAM testing conditions or completely saturated conditions, so let’s go with something in between. As a practical example, this dehumidifier can remove 135 pints per day in an environment at 86°F and 80% relative humidity. 

Understanding Capacity in Dehumidifiers: AHAM vs. Saturation

Difference Between Dehumidifiers and Air Conditioners

While both dehumidifiers and air conditioners play a role in controlling indoor humidity levels, they operate differently and serve distinct purposes:


Dehumidifiers are specifically designed to remove excess moisture from the air without significantly affecting the temperature. They work by drawing in humid air, passing it over cooling coils to condense the moisture, and then expelling the dry air back into the room. Dehumidifiers are ideal for spaces where high humidity levels can lead to mold growth, musty odors, and discomfort.

Air Conditioners

While air conditioners also remove moisture from the air as a byproduct of cooling, their primary function is to regulate temperature. Air conditioners lower the temperature by cycling refrigerant through a compressor, condenser, and evaporator coils, thus cooling the air. While some air conditioners dehumidify the air to some extent with a standard cooling function or with a standalone drying function, their effectiveness in reducing humidity will vary depending on factors such as the unit's size and efficiency. 

When it comes to moisture removal, under no circumstances would an air conditioner be a good alternative to a dedicated dehumidifier that is strictly designed for moisture removal. 


Understanding the capacity at AHAM and saturation provides valuable insights into a dehumidifier's performance under different conditions. The TURBRO Greenland 165-Pint Large Dehumidifier with Pump exemplifies a high-capacity dehumidifier suitable for large spaces, offering efficient moisture removal and the convenience of an automatic pump to remove collected water. Check out the product page to read through the entire list of specifications of the TURBRO Greenland 165-Pint Large Dehumidifier with Pump


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